Our deep technical experience allows us to craft specific, innovative planning solutions for each community and its vision for the future.
We work with communities to articulate shared visions through policies, plans, codes and other regulatory tools.
Our ambition is to employ a wholistic and strategic process to craft a thoughtful regulatory framework, meeting community goals through culturally responsive design.
Downtown Plans
Comprehensive Plans
Zoning and Development Regulations
Neighborhood and Subarea Plans
Corridor plans
Design Guidelines and Standards
Form-Based Codes
Graphic Design and Branding
Public Engagement
Environmental Review (SEPA)
Growth Management Planning
Online Engagement
Permitting and development review
comprehensive plan audit + update framework | sultan, wa
Framework reviewed the comprehensive plan and developed a work plan and recommendations for comprehensive plan updates to achieve compliance with the Growth Management Hearings Board. The City adopted the recommended updates and the plan is now in compliance.
Commercial Zoning Update Framework | Tacoma, WA
The City saw the need to overhaul commercial zoning outside of the City’s designated centers, and retained our firm to develop a framework for zoning updates. The project includes an audit of existing zoning and development standards, and recommendations to plan for pedestrian oriented corridors and integrating and connecting auto-oriented shopping centers into neighborhoods with a more walkable urban character.
Downtown Zoning and Height Standards | Poulsbo, WA
As Downtown Poulsbo continues to grow, the City saw a need to update their zoning for Downtown, and retained Framework for to help evaluate the existing code and potential changes. The City’s downtown zoning updates were adopted by the City Council in 2019.
Station District Form-Based Code | Lakewood, WA
Framework is working with the City and a consultant team on a new form-based code for the Station District to support the transition to a walkable transit-oriented district. We are also developing concepts for street improvements and new zoning to ensure that new development is consistent with the community’s vision.
Town Center Implementation | Sammamish, WA
An ambitious Town Center plan for Sammamish was adopted in 2008, and serious work toward implementation is ramping up a decade later. Framework is working with the City of Sammamish on this implementation to create a mixed-use walkable downtown anchored by major parks, public spaces, and inviting streets.
West Kelso Subarea Plan | Kelso, wa
The City of Kelso began a subarea planning process to revitalize the neighborhood. Jeff Arango, then part of the team at BERK Consulting was project manager for the subarea planning process and led interdisciplinary team to develop a plan for the future of West Kelso.