+ culture
we help communities develop individualized plans that support, amplify and invest in local arts,
culture and heritage.
Framewor'k’s process is grounded in the belief that public art is powerful and contributes to a collective community identity.
Cultural expression builds connections between communities and supports placemaking for social and mental health.
Development Programs
Comprehensive Plans
City Charters
Grant and Funding Strategies
Public Outreach and Engagement
Near- and Long-Term Actions
culture, arts + heritage plan | vancouver, wa
The Culture, Arts and Heritage Plan, approved by the City in 2018, lays out strategies and actions designed to bring together the diverse interests and talents in the city, and integrate culture, arts and heritage into the daily life of the community.
Outcomes from the plan include the creation of a Cultural Commission, the funding of a part-time City staff position, a Cultural Grant program distributing $100,000 a year to artists and arts organizations, and a feasibility study for a performing arts center in the city.
municipal arts plan | tukwila, wa
Framework and artist Carolyn Law partnered with the City of Tukwila to create a Municipal Arts Plan that draws on the stated vision in its Comprehensive Plan to look at place-based opportunities for art and recommended for the program’s first year the creation of two Artist-in-Resident positions.
Sarah Kavage focused on the river that both connects and divides Tukwila, and Olisa Enrico focused on the Tukwila Village area, with poetry events and community-painted murals.
cultural health report | 4Culture
4Culture, a public development authority dedicated to supporting and funding cultural work throughout King County, began the report with a simple question: how is the cultural health of King County? Framework helped create a visually compelling, well organized and easy to understand report for 4Culture that met the organization’s standards for accessibility.
The report presents all of 4Culture’s research and public engagement work, which the Framework team copy-edited, designed a cohesive layout for, and developed maps of each community to help readers place them within the County.
olympia crossings | olympia, wa
The City of Olympia identified eight “gateway” locations that would help define neighborhood and locate distinctive public art in key locations outside of the downtown. Framework teamed with artist Perri Howard on the project, gathering input from all eight neighborhoods and residents citywide through an on-line survey and presence at Olympia’s spring Artwalk.
The plan set out an overall theme for the eight artworks overall, calling for paired sculptural pieces that defined the location as place “markers.” Each art work would also respond to its immediate surroundings, adding appropriate artistic elements as place “making.”