seatac arts +
culture plan
Framework, Lead Consultant
City of SeaTac Arts, Culture + Library Advisory Committee
nourishing arts and
culture in an airport city
The City of SeaTac created an Arts, Culture and Library Advisory Committee (ACLAC) to increase creativity in the community, starting with the creation of a master plan. With a grant from 4Culture, the City engaged Framework to collaborate with ACLAC to create a plan for arts and culture in SeaTac. The plan is being done in two phases.
Phase One is a thorough review of the existing activities, organization and opportunities specific to SeaTac. The distinctive characteristics of the city include its relationship to the airport, its powerful connection to the transportation network, a highly diverse community, and a lack of a historic downtown or central gathering place. Opportunities range from immediate actions, such as pop-up arts and competitions, to longer term ambitions such as new culturally related community gathering places. The Opportunities portion of the plan was completed in summer 2020.
Phase Two focuses on implementation and partnership building and launched immediately after the completion of Phase One.