downtown plan
Framework, Team Lead
KPG Psomas ECONorthwest BDS Planning & Urban Design
City of Pasco
project website
safe, vibrant, and connected
Framework created a new Downtown Master Plan for City of Pasco that outlines a shared community vision for the future of Downtown. The project included extensive community engagement, resulting in a plan that is shaped by community input and builds upon local assets and ongoing public investment projects. While outlining strategies for collaborative downtown management and activation of streets for public life, Framework also identified opportunity sites and created programmatic visions for how they could support Downtown’s growth.
Since completing the Downtown Plan in Fall 2022, Framework has signed on to continue working with the city to implement the plan’s strategies. By recognizing the unique potential of each opportunity site while thinking strategically about Downtown as a whole, we hope to weave together an urban landscape that is safe, vibrant, and connected.