belltown/denny triangle connected public realm
Framework, Lead Consultant
Lake2Bay Steering Committee
JZ Works
City of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods
City of Seattle Parks + Recreation
creating a connected public realm
Belltown and Denny Triangle are adjacent neighborhoods in Seattle’s center city. Connected by the streets that run inland from the edge of Elliott Bay, Belltown and Denny Triangle share many characteristics and aspirations. Both would benefit from a high quality public realm—parks, streetscapes, restaurants, and shops where people can enjoy their neighborhoods and each other.
This project brought together community leaders from both Belltown and Denny Triangle to initiate discussions, identify opportunities of mutual interest, and set out a framework of actions.
Three public events expanded the discussion to include a wide range of people who live and work in the two neighborhoods. The recommendations of the report lay the groundwork for the funding and implementation of the actions the community identified as their highest priorities.